Thursday, February 18, 2010

Although the strawberry base is just a accessory, but it is the biggest single piece I have ever made.



It is base on the original oil clay base(the green part). Use it as a core to create a big hollow strawberry base. 

First put clay tripe on top of the oil clay core.

And then make it smooth (look like a big egg)

Cover it with food wrapper, and mark the location of the seed positions.

Before the clay harden, put on Miu and Chika on top to leave their bottom marks.
Also poke the seed hole by pen stick.


After the clay harden, I found the seed holes are not aligned well. I refill all holes, smooth the surface again, then re-mark  the seed holes position by drawing a mash on the surface. Now each hole will align to three lines as mark above.
(the dark circle in middle is the position of bottom)

Dig out the seed holes, add the top leave, the strawberry is almost ready.

The back side of the hollow strawberry base.


There are 30 seed holes on the strawberry surface. It take me re-do several times to make it acceptable.

The first dig is when prototype the strawberry surface, before the clay getting hard, I use a pen stick to poke those holes. But the holes are not aligned well, so I refill all holes and restart again.

The second time, base on the mesh point, the holes position are good, but the size of holes are different, it looks very ugly.

So I made a small tool...

I sand the top of chopstick  into a olive shape that exactly like the strawberry seed hole.
Enlarge all holes and refill all holes with clay again, and poke with my little tool before the clay harden. Then I got pretty uniform size of all seed holes.

So now I have the holes done, the seeds need to be planted.
To be continue...

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