Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Next step is adding seeds into the holes.

Using the same way of digging the seed hole. Crave a mold from a stick.
But creating a concave mold has more difficulty then a raised surface.
Anyway, dig a round hold out the head of stick. I found It hard to sand smooth due to both the concave shape and also the fiber of bamboo.  I took a easy way, just put a drop of instant glue into the hole, the hole surface become as smooth as a glass.

Now the mold is ready for seeding. Load the stick top with a small amount of clay.


Press it into the seed hole dig previous, and remove the excess clay.

Plant for all 30 holes...

 And the strawberry base is finished.

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Unknown said...

Question. Why did you dig out the seed holes, and then put in seeds? Why didn't you just create a mold for the seeds, and, once you had a grid in, press the mold in? It seems like it's a lot more work for the same effect... Or does this processes make the seeds stand out more as separate parts of the strawberry.

Gormit said...

That's a good point. As a matter of fact this two steps processes do not yell perfect result. Some seeds are not seat in center of hole.

One step mold will be more complicate with double concave shape and sharp edge. And I need find a much bigger chopstick...